Are you a local community group?
We love working with other local community group run by volunteers. If you think we can work together on a project, please feel free to email thesanatanparivar@gmail.com

A repair café is a volunteer-run event where repair coaches help visitors to fix their beloved but broken item and extend its life.
Volunteers worked with our teens and showed them how to mend torn jeans with patch work and sewing over 2 workshops

Naada Saadhna : A partnership between professional Indian Classical Music Artists and TSP.
TSP gauges interest, contacts artists, facilitates an open day and promotes the classes once opened.

RBWM Draught busters fix your draughts and give you advice on how to save money around your home for free . Volunteers worked with our teens and taught them how to sew draught excluders.
British Petroleum: Talk and Quiz

Filling good: Talk and Quiz by our local zero waste refill shop
Hindu Academy: We studied the complete
'Primary Hinduism' Book. 3 of them went on to complete their IGCSE in Hinduism successfully.

Yoga together: 20 sessions

Learn Sanskrit : 20 sessions
Some children have now enrolled for Online classes run my Sanskrut Bhakti , a friend of TSP and 3 of them went on to complete their IGCSE in Hinduism successfully with them!
Keysight Technologies: 3 Tech workshop for our teens including a solar car!