TSP aims to bring communities in Maidenhead together.
The Sanatan Dharma with its roots in India, maintains that the whole world is One Family. This grand multi-cultural tradition inherently nurtures individuals into responsible citizens who celebrate their identities, respect differences, integrate seamlessly and contribute positively to the society wherever they live, transcending country, race, gender, religion etc.
-We will keep in mind the betterment of human kind at all times .
-We will strive to uphold four natural values of human society -Shraddha(right faith), Sadhana (spiritual practice),Sheel( character)and Seva (Service).
-We will support each other, participate, learn, celebrate and get enriched together.
- We will work towards the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual well being of our local community.
We started this community group in Aug 2021 to bring together a small number of local friends. As the scope of our work grew we adopted the name 'The Sanatan Parivar' ( Eternal Family) or formally known as -The Sanatan Parivar- One Family- Maidenhead'.
Bringing the local Indian diaspora together has been our starting point. As people of Indian origin, we carry a wealth of traditions, cultures, and profound systems of thoughts founded in principles of Harmony and Peace. These are values to uphold to build a better world. In the fast pace of life, the hopeless efforts we put in individually to imbibe and pass on these values, works better with a little help from the community.
We are lucky that we have so many other community groups in Maidenhead. We would like to build bridges and share all things positive.
Embrace the positivity and explore the possibilties together!
Vision : Establish meaningful relationships, embrace all things positive, evolve, support and be part of a 'community' that is for us and to whom we are responsible for.